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ERP — Production Management

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Global Manufacturing Management in the Cloud

NetSuite's production management capabilities enable organisations to run their manufacturing operations efficiently. From sales order to work order processing, routing and scheduling, order fulfilment and product costing, NetSuite's manufacturing solution provides real-time visibility into every step of the production process to help you make better-informed decisions. Get your products to market quickly and cost-effectively anywhere in the world with an end-to-end manufacturing software solution designed to run your entire business.

All in one solution

Production Management

Product Data Management
The Bill Of Materials is established and maintained in NetSuite through the use of assembly items. This ensures consistency for the user as they create and edit the information required to effectively manage multi-level BOM structures with minimal effort. Advanced options are available such as the ability to mark items as phantoms, define the expected yield, maintain revisions and / or set effectivity and expiration dates to ensure you always build the right version of your product.
Oracle NetSuite Production Management Interface -  萬沛ONE PACIFIC

Product Data Management

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Oracle NetSuite Production Management- Bill of Materials
Bill Of Materials

The Bill Of Materials is established and maintained in NetSuite through the use of assembly items. This ensures consistency for the user as they create and edit the information required to effectively manage multi-level BOM structures with minimal effort. Advanced options are available such as the ability to mark items as phantoms, define the expected yield, maintain revisions and / or set effectivity and expiration dates to ensure you always build the right version of your product.

Work Order Management

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Oracle NetSuite Production Management - Discrete Manufacturing
Discrete Manufacturing

NetSuite offers discrete manufacturers many options for how they manage their production processes regardless of their size, complexity or business maturity. Whether you want to work in an environment without work orders, backflush all of the materials upon completion, issue and track materials and labour as work in process cost or define and track labour through a routing, NetSuite has the features to get you the information you need.

Quality Assurance

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Test Definition
Test Definition

NetSuite uses a master list of inspection profiles that are defined in advance that specify the type of inspection / test that is to be performed, acceptable limits, the minimum qualifications of the inspector and type / category / method of inspection. Additionally, we can denote whether calibration is required where the test involves equipment.

Manufacturing Execution System

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NetSuite’s Advanced Manufacturing has a native barcoding application that will run on any device with a browser and streamline the collection of the most common transactions including labour tracking, work order completions, material movements, PO receipts and shipping. All native shop floor facing reports can be printed with barcodes to ensure data accuracy.

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